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Network Seminars

Dialogue Seminars


Network Seminar:

Access to Justice - Beijing, 10-11 March 2003.

In March 2003, the second Network Seminar of the EU-China Human Rights Network was held in Beijing, China.

The topic chosen for this event was Access to Justice. Thirty-five Chinese participants were joined by ten European experts for a discussion of issues including fair trial guarantees, models of Legal Aid, standards of professionalism in the judiciary, alternative dispute resolution and the system of 're-education through labour'.


获得司法正义的权利 - 北京,2003年3月10-11日.


进一步的信息将在近期公布于 “研讨会” 栏目。

List of participants

Public Report on Discussions

The EU-China Human Rights Network is funded by the European Commission.
The opinions, findings and conclusions expressed in materials on this site do not necessarily represent the views of the European Commission.

EU-China Human Rights Network, Irish Centre for Human Rights
Ph: +353-91-512336 Fax: +353-91-750575 Email: eu.china@nuigalway.ie